Post by Theropod on Nov 2, 2015 17:50:33 GMT
Name: Federal Republic of Leprad
Location: Ginir
Motto: "Justice For All"
Languages: English and German (recognized), French (recognized only in a few states).
Usual Weather: Leprad has a very diverse weather, but overall, its weather is calm. With cold, snowy winters within all of its territory, and warm summers, each season in Leprad is very accurate. Over 90% of the trees in Leprad follow the seasons accurately, that is, they will be rather leafless during the winter, flourishing during spring, green during summer, and ranging from yellow to red and with falling leaves during autumn.
Interesting Facts/Landmarks: Leprad has several natural attractions, such as canyons, geysers, large waterfalls and several national parks around the country. Another notable fact is that every city in Leprad has its share of natural areas where people can go to so they can relax, go for a walk, anything they wish, so they can appreciate how nature blends in nicely with the city. The autumn in Leprad brings many tourists to those areas, seeing as the trees in Leprad are considered the most beautiful, iconic in the world, and get yellow, orange and red leaves during this season. Some of those areas make use of this fact, and plant trees with yellow autumn leaves next to orange ones, which are next to red one, so that yellow fades into red, and red fades back into yellow in a gradient.
Origin/History: Leprad originated from violent separatist riots. During the early 14th century, Leprad was part of a dominant kingdom, reigned by King Caldwell, who kept many slaves, mostly in current Leprad. However, during the middle 14th century, Leprad slaves decided to secretly keep a share of what they produced; the royal family thought they were simply not working enough, and thus enforced more working hours onto the slaves. However, this was all a plan: they saved up enough so that they could simply buy the king's officers and helpers, which led to a major crisis to the royal family. The riots started more peacefully, drawing the attention from other former territories, which also started to rebel against the kingdom. The situation got out of hand, but as peaceful riots did not result in anything, the population forced the kingdom into giving their independence.
Population: Mostly pantherines, although several species are common due to the country's light immigrant policies. The population is composed of;
- 54% pantherines;
- 25% theropods;
- 13% other felids;
- 8% other groups.
About: Leprad, officially the Federal Republic of Leprad, is a federal republic with about 15.5 million inhabitants. Leprad's terrain is somewhat mountainous, with 47% of its territory being above 450 metres, and 10% of it being above 800 metres. Leprad is composed of 51 states, each of them following state law, with all states also following the national constituition.
Culture is taken very seriously in Leprad. Its residents have traditions that are followed annually, the most celebrated dates along with Christmas are Halloween, Independence day and Easter, which is mostly celebrated by younger citizens. Halloween is so widely celebrated that there is a law in the national constituition, making damage to property laws lighter during Halloween. However, any property damage reported during the holiday is still treated in the same way it would on regular days. Several tourists are attracted to Leprad on holidays due to their loyalty to their culture, and their openness to new traditions.
Political System: Federal semi-presidential republic (de facto a parliamentary republic)
Nuclear Position: Leprad supports nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. They use nuclear energy in some states, but do not possess any nuclear weapons so far. However, they have had a nuclear weapons program in the 90s: only three weapons were designed, all of them tested in the same testing site in May, June and July of 1997.
Location: Ginir
Motto: "Justice For All"
Languages: English and German (recognized), French (recognized only in a few states).
Usual Weather: Leprad has a very diverse weather, but overall, its weather is calm. With cold, snowy winters within all of its territory, and warm summers, each season in Leprad is very accurate. Over 90% of the trees in Leprad follow the seasons accurately, that is, they will be rather leafless during the winter, flourishing during spring, green during summer, and ranging from yellow to red and with falling leaves during autumn.
Interesting Facts/Landmarks: Leprad has several natural attractions, such as canyons, geysers, large waterfalls and several national parks around the country. Another notable fact is that every city in Leprad has its share of natural areas where people can go to so they can relax, go for a walk, anything they wish, so they can appreciate how nature blends in nicely with the city. The autumn in Leprad brings many tourists to those areas, seeing as the trees in Leprad are considered the most beautiful, iconic in the world, and get yellow, orange and red leaves during this season. Some of those areas make use of this fact, and plant trees with yellow autumn leaves next to orange ones, which are next to red one, so that yellow fades into red, and red fades back into yellow in a gradient.
Origin/History: Leprad originated from violent separatist riots. During the early 14th century, Leprad was part of a dominant kingdom, reigned by King Caldwell, who kept many slaves, mostly in current Leprad. However, during the middle 14th century, Leprad slaves decided to secretly keep a share of what they produced; the royal family thought they were simply not working enough, and thus enforced more working hours onto the slaves. However, this was all a plan: they saved up enough so that they could simply buy the king's officers and helpers, which led to a major crisis to the royal family. The riots started more peacefully, drawing the attention from other former territories, which also started to rebel against the kingdom. The situation got out of hand, but as peaceful riots did not result in anything, the population forced the kingdom into giving their independence.
Population: Mostly pantherines, although several species are common due to the country's light immigrant policies. The population is composed of;
- 54% pantherines;
- 25% theropods;
- 13% other felids;
- 8% other groups.
About: Leprad, officially the Federal Republic of Leprad, is a federal republic with about 15.5 million inhabitants. Leprad's terrain is somewhat mountainous, with 47% of its territory being above 450 metres, and 10% of it being above 800 metres. Leprad is composed of 51 states, each of them following state law, with all states also following the national constituition.
Culture is taken very seriously in Leprad. Its residents have traditions that are followed annually, the most celebrated dates along with Christmas are Halloween, Independence day and Easter, which is mostly celebrated by younger citizens. Halloween is so widely celebrated that there is a law in the national constituition, making damage to property laws lighter during Halloween. However, any property damage reported during the holiday is still treated in the same way it would on regular days. Several tourists are attracted to Leprad on holidays due to their loyalty to their culture, and their openness to new traditions.
Political System: Federal semi-presidential republic (de facto a parliamentary republic)
Nuclear Position: Leprad supports nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. They use nuclear energy in some states, but do not possess any nuclear weapons so far. However, they have had a nuclear weapons program in the 90s: only three weapons were designed, all of them tested in the same testing site in May, June and July of 1997.